Using Photoshop to transform a student into a scary Halloween zombie
The purpose of this project was to understand the use of various Photoshop tools learned in past tutorials, including the dodge tool, burn tool, background extraction, and pattern overlay. Using these tools, a student was altered and put into a background to look like a scary Halloween zombie. For this student, I added pattern to his shirt, face, hands, and pants. I also added blood stains to his pants. Then I removed his hand from his body and added blood quirting out. I then added a knife to his hand, to make it look like he's holding it. Finally i transfered him to this scary background. Using the skills i learned here, i will be able to alter any picture i want. Or if i want to make a flyer for a club, i can use the skills i learned here and make a pretty cool flyer that will attract a lot of attention.
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